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Think of this as a family romantic comedy, as the emphasis is more on all the goofy antics and not so much about the romance. Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore really do have undeniable chemistry, but it has an easy nonchalance to it, which allows the movie to focus more on the kids and other characters instead of the principals. After a horrendous blind date, Lauren (Barrymore) and Jim (Sandler) seem to keep running into one another and more than a little improbably wind up on an African safari along with their respective children. Both parents are trying and failing to be both mother and father to their kids, but it’s admirable to see characters who genuinely wish to put their children first. The writing is very funny, particularly with Lauren and Jim constantly sniping at one another, one cheap shot after another, and Terry Crews is hilarious as a ridiculously way over-the-top tourist entertainer. There are a few subtle nods to the romcom where they both worked in the wedding industry and one blatant one referencing the romcom where she has a form of amnesia, but the romcom where they go on safari is excellent in its own right. An effervescent surprisingly witty story with just enough slightly dirty content to prevent it from being unbearably saccharine, this was just plain fun. Cute, but with some depth to it, I thoroughly enjoyed the film and heartily applaud Sandler and Barrymore’s third collaboration. – BETHANY

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Wendi McClendon-Covey as Jen and Drew Barrymore as Lauren

       The Friedman clan: daughters Espn (not kidding), Lou, “Larry” (short for Hilary, of course!) and dad Jim.  Have you ever seen a trio of girls more in need of a mother’s influence?

The Reynolds boys and the Friedman girls do NOT like each other.

                 Something awful happens on the safari tour.

          “Larry” Friedman (Bella Thorne) Before shot.

                                    Hilary Friedman after Jen gets done with her.  Cute guy you scored there, Hilary!

More un-family friendly happenings on safari.

   Terry Crews as Nickens

           Uh, what was I saying?

Awkward …

Dearie dearie me …

Joel McHale as Lauren’s ex Mark

                                                   Jessica Lowe and Kevin Nealon as honeymooners Ginger and Eddie



Photos courtesy of Happy Madison Productions, Gulfstream Pictures, Karz Entertainment and Warner Bros. Pictures